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Come along to the I CAAN Hub at Great Broughton Village Hall on Thursday 20th April at 6:30pm to take part in some crafts, Lego, board games and see if you can make your own Diddley Bow Guitar.

To help the volunteers that support the I CAAN Hub can you please let us know if you are planning to attend by emailing us on info@icaan.org.uk.

There is also the option of getting some food delivered.  Broughton Moor Chip Shop has offered to deliver to us and have a wide variety on their menu. Take a look at their website to see what is on the menu:


If you would like some food, please let us know when you arrive and we will can place an order by phone and arrange for it to be delivered.  Please note that you will need to pay for any food that you order on the night.